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Fundamentals of the Advanced Cooling Technologies of Hot Metals


Developing fundamentals of energy efficient technology for cooling metal enclosing structures of NPP reactors by using water-based suspensions and emulsions for elimination of emergency situations caused by critical overheating of the reactor vessel.

Field of Application

Emergency cooling systems for metal enclosing structures of NPP reactors designed to prevent overheating of metals above the melting point and ensuing nuclear fuel leakage.

Main Publications

  • Kuznetsov G.V., Piskunov M.V., Strizhak P.A. Evaporation, boiling and explosive breakup of heterogeneous droplet in a high-temperature gas // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2016. Vol. 92. P. 360–369.

  • Volkov R.S., Piskunov M.V., Kuznetsov G.V., Strizhak P.A. Water droplet with carbon particles moving through high temperature gases // Journal of Heat Transfer. 2016. Vol. 138, No. 1. Article number 014502. P. 1–5.

  • Piskunov M.V., Strizhak P.A., Shcherbinina A.A. Intensive evaporation and boiling of a heterogeneous liquid droplet with an explosive disintegration in high-temperature gas area // Thermal Science. 2016. Vol. 20, No. 2. P. 541–553.

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