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Soil Thawing in the Vicinity of Oil and Gas Facilities


Developing activities aimed to ensure failure free operation of oil and gas facilities within the conditions of permafrost soil thawing due to man-made impacts (buildings and structures heat emission, well-drilling, oil-and-gas recovery and transportation with relatively high temperature, etc.)

Field of Application

Developed predictions and recommendations are basics for predicting and warning of the man-made accident in the design and operation phases of the oil-and-gas facilities located within the conditions of permafrost, as well as for planning the effective activities directed against intensive ice melting.

Main Publications

  • Половников В.Ю., Цыганкова Ю.С. Радиус растепления многолетнемерзлых пород при эксплуатации нефтяных скважин в Восточной Сибири // Строительство нефтяных и газовых скважин на суше и на море. 2014. № 1. С. 38–43.

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